Are you done spending money and time on grasses that aren’t made for the soil or the climate you live in? Are you on the verge of giving up?
Take a deep breath, some grasses can grow anywhere!
The examples of such grasses are:
- Rye grass
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Zoysia grass
- Bermuda grass
Even if you have got a list of options that do not require any hard and fast rules to be followed. It still does not mean that you just have to throw a seed in the ground. All these grasses are needed to be planted at the right time, can not be mowed below the recommended percentage, and should be looked after just like all other high maintenance grasses.
To get a clear idea of this situation, let’s discuss these grasses in detail.
Grasses That Can Be Grown Anywhere
1. Rye grass

Lolium or Ryegrass is native to Asia, Europe, and North Africa but is more commonly cultivated in Australia, America, and numerous oceanic Islands.
This cool-season grass can be cultivated in the reclamation sites, new lawns, parks, and highway shoulders.
Besides, being a green carpet to sit and walk on, it can be used as green manure, temporary pasture, and as a way to control soil erosion.
Ryegrass is admired for its quick establishment as it takes over the lawn in no time once it is germinated.
There are two types of ryegrasses annual and perennial ryegrass. Annual ryegrasses lay a green carpet for some months but perennial ryegrass establishes a permanent lawn that dies in the unfavorable season but comes back again soon.
Ideal growing and maintaining conditions
Planting season
Since ryegrass is a cool-season grass, it should be planted in early fall (October or November) so that you can enjoy a greeny winter.
Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are necessary to establish a healthy green grass carpet. Fertilizing should be done between late fall to early spring.
Mowing height
1,½ -2, ½ inches
2. Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass, native to Europe, North East Asia, Algeria, and Morocco, is known with different names like smooth meadow grass, bluegrass, and common meadow grass across the globe.
Like ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass is also a cool-season grass and for this reason, it is part of most gardens and lawns in the United States.
It usually grows up to 70 centimeters in length.
Kentucky Bluegrass is a high-maintenance perennial grass that requires extra care to glow and look good.
It germinates more slowly than the most cool-season grasses but as soon as it gets on its own feet the grass leaves grow vigorously.
Most varieties of Kentucky bluegrass grow in full sun only a few do well in partial shade. Kentucky does not do good on its own; it rather requires continuous fertilizing to grow and look healthy.
Ideal Growing and maintaining conditions
Planting season
Kentucky bluegrass can only be planted someday between 15 September to 01 November when the temperature reaches up to 65 degrees. Kentucky is planted early because it takes more time to grow.
As mentioned-above Kentucky Bluegrass needs careful fertilizing to grow and establish stronger roots. In the late Winters, it should be fertilized with high nitrogen, low phosphorus fertilizer, in mid-spring, well-balanced fertilizer would be enough, and in mid-summer fertilizing only needs to be done if the grass starts turning light green or yellow.
Mowing height
2.5- 3 inches
3. Zoysia grass

Zoysia, a warm-season grass, is known for its vigorous growth and extra nice cold tolerance behavior. Zoysia Grass is native to Asia but it is insanely popular in the United States as it flourishes despite having unfavorable conditions when most grasses fail to do so.
Zoysia grows slowly but it forms a thick noticeable carpet for grass lovers. This hardy grass is usually seen in sports grounds, golf courses, and home lawns.
Another big thing about this slow-growing grass is that it does not just choke away weeds and wild grasses but also makes their appearance unnoticeable.
Zoysia grass tolerates everything, even cold seasons to some extent but when it comes to growing with another grass it fails to meet your standards. Zoysia grass does not grow well in the places where traces of old grass still exist. If the soil is completely free from the roots of old grass zoysia will take the lawn in a few weeks.
Ideal growing and maintaining conditions
Planting season
Zoysia can be planted twice a year once in mid to late spring and then at least 60 days before the first frost is expected.
Zoysia grass usually needs frequent fertilizing in the growing season. So, fertilizing in May, June, July, or August would bring fruitful results.
Mowing height
1-2 inches and mow with any best lawn mower for zoysia grass
4. Bermuda grass

Bermudagrass is also on the list of grasses that can be grown anywhere. It is probably the only grass that is famous with so many weird names like Dhoob, Durva grass, Ethan grass, Dubo, Dog’s tooth grass, Devil’s grass, Bahama grass, Couch grass, Arugampul, Indian doab, Scutch grass, and Wiregrass.
This grass holds an important place in the Hindu culture as it is used for the worship of their Lord Ganesha. It is also used in several Ayurvedic treatments as well. It is found in abundance in India and the Southern parts of America.
This grass creeps along the ground and forms a dense mat wherever the node touches the ground. It grows and thrives best when the temperature is between 24 to 37C.
It is typically grown in sports grounds as the growth and recovery rate of Bermuda grass is much higher than most of the fast-growing grasses.
Ideal growing and maintaining conditions
Planting season
Bermuda grass can be planted only in spring (when the threat of frost is passed) when the temperature reaches up to 80F.
Bermuda grass generally does not need fertilizers to stand on strong footing but if you are overseeding your lawn, fertilizing should be done between December and February.
Mowing height
0.5-2.5 inches
Now you know the basics of growing these grasses. If still, I have to name one I would say Bermuda grass is the perfect example of grass that can be grown anywhere without paying much from the pocket. If grass grows on its own wouldn’t it be a perfect option?